Craftsman Village Historic District was created in 1992 by an act of the
Long Beach City Council. It is a small district, encompassing about 3000
residents of modest Craftsman-style bungalows and small apartment buildings.
Because of the district's history as a working-class neighborhood, its houses
are remarkably well preserved: most buildings in the district still boast
Craftsman style elements such as sash-and-cord windows, wood built-ins,
original redwood siding, and so on.
The district encapsulates the diversity of Long Beach as a whole: it is a multi-ethnic and multi-linguistic community, like the City of Long Beach itself, which the US Census Bureau has declared the most diverse city in the nation. The Chua Phat To Vietnamese Temple is a district landmark, as is the Toledo Walk, a pedestrian right-of-way fronted by Craftsman and Prairie style houses that face each other across a lighted sidewalk. The district has become a site of revitalized interest in historic preservation and community building that reaches across ethnic and class divides, and has become a model for other communities in the larger Hellman Area of which it is a part. Click here to learn more about our planned expansion, as well as to learn more about the historic significance of our neighborhood.