to the Craftsman Village Historic District website!
The Craftsman
Village Historic District is located in the heart of Long Beach, between
7th and 10th Streets and Walnut and Orange Avenues.
Visit the
links to the right to learn more about our neighborhood and our accomplishments.
In 2005, we were recognized as Neighborhood of the Year by the City of
Long Beach, and won 2nd prize nationally from Neighborhoods USA in the
category of Physical Revitalization, for our innovative approaches to
building community and promoting historic preservation.
We have an
elected board and hold monthly meetings to discuss neighborhood issues
and address community concerns. We also hold regular street cleanups (monthly,
and often bi-weekly), we produce a newsletter every other month in English,
Spanish, Khmai (Cambodian) and sometimes Vietnamese, and most recently
we have begun parkway plantings using drought resistant and native plants.
We also participate in various citywide organizations and on in City-sponsored
events to promote neighborhood empowerment and historic preservation.
We hope you
enjoy learning about our neighborhood!